18th March 2015
I have just traveled 2100 kms from one end of Kerala (south west India) to the other with 30 bloggers from 21 countries.
Most of them were half my age, all of them passionate about travel writing and photography.
We were selected from 700 applicants to be part of #KeralaBlogExpress. It was an amazing experience, and here is what I learnt about Bloggers in that process.

Rosemary on the Kerala Blog Express
- There is a lot of sitting around with eyes focused and faces lit up by the screens
- Two finger typing is definately making a comeback on phones (really enjoying the keyboard for my ipad and glad I learnt to touch type!), though I am still a one finger texter.
- Camera jostling – When we stop everyone jumps out with cameras to get the best shot. First out best shot.
- Selfies are in for most of the crew on board, not really my thing, but there are some fun ones being taken.
- Overwhelming willing locals – when one blogger finds someone willing to have a photo taken, everyone is in, and photo after photo is taken by different cameras, with bloggers joining the image.
- When they are asked not to take pictures, they mostly see this as a guideline and not a rule.

- In accommodation, the only truly unforgivable sin is bad (or no) wifi
- No matter how close you are for a shot, there is someone who will get closer and in front of you
- There is always someone who will try that extra hot chilli or climb a coconut tree, And of course there is always someone who will take the shot of them doing it.
- The best groups shots are the fun ones that are not set up – dancing amongst the rows of tea or in the buttress roots of an ancient tree, or walking across a rice field in the backwaters.
For me the challenge is (and has been) – entering into the moment and enjoying it, rather than always rushing to record it.